Year Created
2023 - 2024
Client Industry
~3 Days/Project

Band Merch & Event Graphic Design

One of our favorite clients to work with! Taylor Made is a Taylor Swift tribute band that absolutely rocks every stage they grace. Designer Emily and lead singer Court were high school friends, and we're so excited to be able to work together as adults.

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This Project

Project Objectives

"Hey, um, what the heck is a vector file?" "The venue wants graphics in RGB at 72 dpi... help?" We got you! From high-quality and creative design to correctly formatted files for merch and event graphics for a variety of venues, A Creative Conspiracy has Taylor Made's back.

Scope of Work

Taylor Made has been absolutely crushing the music scene in the St. Louis area since 2023, and 2024 is the year they started traveling! A band needs graphics and merch that match their vibe and catch the eye of their audience - in this case, Swifties! As their exclusive designers, we design merch like posters and t-shirts, as well as event graphics, social media graphics, and venue graphics.

Project Outcome

Don't mind us literally crying in the club while mini Swifties SELL OUT our t-shirt design at Delmar Hall! Taylor Made fans are loving these graphics that feel familiar and clearly Taylor Swift-inspired, without being boring or overdone! No uncanny valley here. Plus, how badass does Court look!?

Responsive Web Design

Functional & Gorgeous on Any Device

Ever wonder why some websites just seem to 'click' with users? It's all about responsiveness. In today's mobile-driven world, your website needs to adapt seamlessly to any device, whether it's a smartphone, tablet, or desktop.

What Devices are Customers Using to View the Web?
blank smartphone frame for responsive mobile design

Mobile View

Mobile isn't just a trend – it's the heartbeat of modern life. Think about it: nearly everyone you know is glued to their phone. With over 7.26 billion mobile users worldwide, it's like we're all carrying the world in our pockets. And here's the kicker: a whopping 92.3% of internet users access the web from their trusty smartphones. That's a lot of potential customers spending 5-6 hours a day tapping away. Now, imagine if your website isn't keeping up. You'd be missing out on connecting with folks right when they're most engaged.

7.26 billion
Mobile Users Worldwide
Users Access the Internet from a Mobile Device
5-6 hours/day
Average Time Spent on Mobile Device Per User

Tablet View

Think that 2.2% of users viewing your site from a tablet isn't significant enough to worry about responsiveness? Think again! With over one bilion tablet users, two percent is still a huge group!  Don't miss out on your next client or sale because a user can't properly access your site. A Creative Conspiracy ensures every part of every site is compatible with any device you or your customers may use to access your site.

>1 billion
Tablet Users Worldwide
Tablet Users are American
Tablet Web Traffic from Ipads
blank tablet device frame for responsive website design

Ready to bring your project to life?

Let's chat about how we can create something equally stunning and impactful for your brand. We'll ensure it works cohesively with your brand identity and resonates with your target audience.

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